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Help PReserve the Independence of Physicians

We are looking for physicians, health care professionals, and advocates who are passionate about preserving the independence and integrity of medical practices across the United States. As private equity firms increasingly acquire independent practices, the essence of patient-centered care is at risk. Together, we can make a difference. We invite you to join our community, become a part of a powerful voice advocating for legislative changes, and help maintain the autonomy that is crucial in delivering the best medical care possible. 

1. Become a Supporter

Are you ready to take a stand for the future of independent medical practices? Our Supporter Inquiry Form is the first step. By joining our network, you’ll be aligning with like-minded physicians and professionals committed to making a significant impact. As a Supporter, you will receive updates on advocacy efforts, have opportunities to have your voice heard, and join a community that shares your values and vision.

2. Stay Up-To-Date with our Email Newsletter

Stay informed, stay empowered. Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest news, updates on advocacy efforts, and insights into the ongoing battle against private equity’s influence in healthcare. Our newsletter is a valuable resource for staying ahead of developments and learning how you can contribute to the cause. We will never share your information with an outside organization.


Access Educational Resources

Knowledge is power. Our members get access to a repository of valuable materials including recent white papers, studies, and articles on private equity in health care. These resources provide a deeper understanding of the implications of private equity ownership and how it impacts independent medical practices and patient care.


White Papers

Our collection of white papers delves into detailed analyses and expert opinions on the current state of physician practice ownership.



Access studies that explore the effects of private equity acquisitions on healthcare quality, patient satisfaction, and the medical profession at large.



Stay updated with articles discussing the latest trends, challenges, and legislative updates concerning private equity in healthcare.