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Put Patients Before Corporate Profit

Join our effort to reduce private equity’s involvement in healthcare so physicians can work directly with their patients to make medical decisions and deliver patient-centered, cost-efficient care. 


Coalition for Patient-Centered Care

We represent a diverse group of healthcare industry stakeholders who stand together in opposition to private equity’s acquisition and influence over independent physicians that can result in an emphasis on profits and revenue growth over patient interests.

Our Objectives

We advocate for a world where physicians have control over the management and delivery of care and can work directly with their patients to make medical decisions and deliver patient-centered, cost-efficient care without corporate hindrance.


Eliminate tax breaks for Private Equity acquisitions of physician groups

Close loopholes that allow PE to circumvent the ban on the corporate practice of medicine

Ensure PE acquisitions are subject to the same requirements and regulations as physician acquisitions such as Stark and Fraud and Abuse laws

Increased reporting and transparency requirements for PE acquisitions of physician practices


How you can help

Make your voice heard through our advocacy efforts, get updates on our progress, and get access to resources and tool kits to help advance our cause.

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