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Statement for the Record for House Ways & Means Committee Hearing: Field Hearing on Access to Health Care in America: Ensuring Resilient Emergency Medical Care


The Coalition for Patient-Centered Care (CPCC) recently submitted a letter to the House Committee on Ways and Means regarding a field hearing on access to healthcare in America, focusing on emergency medical care. In the letter, CPCC highlights the negative impact of private equity firms acquiring independent physicians and healthcare systems, which can lead to decreased quality of care, increased costs, and poorer working conditions. CPCC argues that these acquisitions prioritize profits over patient-centered care, which can harm the healthcare system and interfere with the doctor-patient relationship. The letter also mentions that private equity-driven strategies may lead to hospital closures, negatively impacting access to emergency medical care, particularly in low-income communities. The CPCC urges the committee to address these issues due to their broader impact on federal healthcare spending and American taxpayers.

Read the entire statement here. 
